What is Content Marketing? Benefits & Examples

Planning your content schedule allows you to allocate your resources appropriately and ensure you have time for all of your upcoming tasks. A content audit is the process of organizing, analyzing, and improving your existing content. SMART goals are great for keeping you on track and measuring success because they are more rigid.
Or maybe you need to combine other content into one larger, more powerful piece. And if those goals can’t be achieved with content marketing, that conversation can be had before any investment is made. Perhaps, a different marketing strategy is warranted to obtain those objectives or the goal may need to change.
When people have a problem they want to solve or a desire they wish to fulfill, they won’t consider your brand and products if they don’t know you exist. Content marketing is a way to make sure they discover you. Blogging and YouTube work for Ahrefs, but there are many more content marketing formats you can use depending on your audience, resources, and objectives . Just like with your blog, it isn’t enough to post a few sporadic tweets, nor do you want to blast followers with a bunch of posts all at once. We’ve found that posting early in the morning or after 5 p.m.
69% of people wanted to buy a piece of software or application by watching a video. Also, you can use video popups to increase conversion rates. And never forget, when these videos are created, be careful to share them with diversified channels to give them the best opportunity of ranking higher. Webinars and live videos are among the best options to network, socialize with fellow experts, and gain knowledge. With the ongoing pandemic, this trend is definitely staying with us for quite some time. Once you attain some level of success, you’ll most possibly end up with people showing interest in guest posting on your blog.
RafflePress is the best online giveaway plugin for WordPress. It’s also been working to build a strong presence on Facebook, as the platform is a great way to increase pageviews for its blog. Here’s a table of contents to help you jump to the content marketing examples you most want to see. Content marketing is the intentional creation and curation of content with the goal of both attracting new prospects and nurturing them into leads. Content is indeed king and it is changing the face of marketing online and advertisements. I recently came across an article where they explain the importance of content and why marketers are hiring more content writers and marketers.
With Marketing Automation marketing strategy, you can boost SEO, generate leads, and increase conversions. When most people think of types of content marketing, they think of blogging as a starting point. Most importantly, a whopping 97% of brands use content marketing because it’s the way modern consumers prefer to interact with and learn about businesses.
In B2B, purchasing decisions take more thought than they do in B2C. Since buyers are looking for the right product with the right features for their pain points, product marketing helps you discover how to build and position your product as the perfect solution. It covers every step from how the product is launched aka your go-to-market strategy, to your positioning, messaging, and how a customer understands and experiences it. That said, while not all enterprises employ content marketing, all innovative companies will. For example, it could be a blog, such as Indium’s blog From One Engineer to Another, which is a lead generation effort for the company targeting engineers. It could also be a newsletter, such as The Hustle, owned by Hubspot.